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here we go again!
with your mixed signals and my second thoughts...

Athens welcomed me as a citizen in January 1973.

In Athens, I had my basic education while at the same time I studied classical ballet and modern dance at the S. Morianov School of Dance.

Following that, I was elected to join Rodopi Kouvari’s Dance Group “Eurythmos” of which

I remained an active member for several years.

However, my expressional and creative quest along with a restless and perfectionist character could not be exhausted here.

My need for expression has led me to engage myself at the arts in a multi-dimensional and versatile level.

Diligently I selected my means of expression: Photography, Verse, Prose, Painting in the belief that those were the necessary “tools” to discover ways out in matters of mind and soul.


Formally, I studied Graphic Arts at AKTO (Athenian Artistic & Technological Association)from which I graduated with honors & a commendation.

Professionally, I have been working for Advertising Companies and Creative Firms as an Art Director in charge of working teams undertaking all relevant applications to do with matters such as creation of concept, text trim and up to final application.


Apart from that, I have been doing video-clips based on my own photo graphical, text-writing and directing view and notion, which target the soul and mind arousal of the viewer.

Works of mine have been displayed in various group exhibitions and have also been exhibiting for Cheap Art steadily for years both in Athens and Thessaloniki.

My first individual exhibition “Lines of Separation” was hosted at Art Bar ALBA in October 2009.

At IANOS, Presentation of my Video and its accompanying Photography and Verse Album entitled: “The Ancient Olive Grove of Attiki”.

Photography direction and appearance in video clip by G. Perantakos for the song

«Γλυκιά Συνήθεια» (Sweet Habit).


Also, participated with three works in Art Athina Contemporaries: 'Statement made'.
Curator: Artemis Potamianou.

At Sofitel (Athens Airport), in various group exhibition, with three pieces...


Beyond my creative seeking, I have recently been working as a freelance Art Director.

photo by Yannis Karampinis > editing & participation by Eleni Tsonis
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